Marcella Fecteau Weiner Marcella Fecteau Weiner

Style Guides and ChatGPT

I often receive a style guide to work from when editing a manuscript. But not always—and sometimes the style guides I receive aren’t very robust. Can ChatGPT help?

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Marcella Fecteau Weiner Marcella Fecteau Weiner

Using editGPT with Word

editGPT is an AI tool that helps writers and editors enhance their writing. This blog post shows you how to transfer editGPT's changes into your Word document with tracked changes intact.

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Marcella Fecteau Weiner Marcella Fecteau Weiner

AI-Powered Workflow

Incorporating AI tools into your editorial workflow can seem daunting at first. In this blog post I share how I have incorporated AI into my workflow.

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Marcella Fecteau Weiner Marcella Fecteau Weiner

ChatGPT 4o

What does the newest version of ChatGPT have to offer editors and writers? And now that it is free, should you still keep your paid subscription?

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Marcella Fecteau Weiner Marcella Fecteau Weiner

Testing AI Editors

Ever come across one of those unwieldy sentences that go on and on and wonder, “But why?” Recently, I’ve been experimenting with AI to help me untangle cumbersome sentences.

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Marcella Fecteau Weiner Marcella Fecteau Weiner

AI for Efficient Transcript Editing

Transcripts are valuable resources for editors, but cleaning up and formatting these files is time consuming. Fortunately, AI tools like the ChatGPT 4 can significantly streamline this task.

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Marcella Fecteau Weiner Marcella Fecteau Weiner

AI & References: A New Era

Ever found yourself buried under a mountain of references, each one playing by its own set of rules? Anyone who has had to sift through pages of references, each styled according to different guidelines, knows the frustration this task entails. But what if there were a more efficient way to tackle this?

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